The Utopian Confederation Game Series

Cognitive Firewall’s current multiyear project is development of the Utopian Confederation series of computer games that build on the Utopian vision of Thomas More. The games imagine a world in which the idyllic island-republic of Utopia was a real place that – after being visited by Portuguese explorers in the early 1500s and widely publicized in More’s book – gradually emerged as a key player on the global stage. The Utopian Commonwealth offered a concrete vision of the best and happiest kind of society that was achievable by human beings, and over time, it dramatically (and beneficially) reshaped humanity’s understanding of politics, economics, ethics, art, culture, and human nature. The wise, peaceful, joyful, and gentle world that emerged under the salutary influence of Utopia would continue to thrive and evolve with each passing decade – up through the 21st century and beyond.

You can learn more about the game’s setting in the book Utopian Confederation: Conspectus.